XAI Macro (GBP)
Investment Mandate
Diversified Global-macro fund targeting absolute return. Aims to express our macro research themes across major asset classes and different timeframes.
Reasons To Invest
Diversified macro-alpha.
Efficient Wealth builder with low correlation to global equities.
Team combines deep macro experience with
advanced quant expertise.
Medium to high volatility fund.
Return below average in trendless markets.
Key Features
Targets positive returns across all phases of the global risk cycle.
Expected volatility 15-18%, realised Sharpe 1.5 - 2.
Correlation with equities 0.15.
Investment universe Equities, Bonds, FX, Commodities, Carbon and crypto assets.
Highly liquid assets only (ETFs, Futures, Large Cap stocks).
Performance represents the live actual performance of all separately managed accounts managed under the strategy and includes total transaction costs but excludes management fees. Individual account performance may vary.
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